

5G is the fifth-generation technology standard for broadband cellular networks in telecommunications. It is the anticipated replacement for the 4G networks that connect the majority of modern cellphones, and cellular phone operators started rolling it out globally in 2019. According to the GSM Association and Statista, 5G networks are expected to have more than 1.7 billion customers by 2025 and represent 25% of the global market for mobile technology.

5G networks, like its forerunners, are cellular networks in which the service area is segmented into discrete regions known as cells. Through a local antenna within the cell, all 5G wireless devices are connected to the Internet and phone network via radio waves. Higher download speeds—up to 10 gigabits per second (Gbit/s)—are available on the new networks. [3] In addition to being quicker than current networks, 5G also offers a higher bandwidth and can link a greater variety of devices, enhancing the quality of Internet services in congested locations. [4] It is anticipated that the networks would increasingly be used as general internet service providers (ISPs) for laptops and desktop computers as a result of the increased bandwidth, competing with already-existing ISPs like cable internet.

Cellular networks, like 5G networks, divide the service area into discrete geographic regions known as cells. Each 5G wireless device in a cell uses fixed antennas to transmit radio waves to a cellular base station on frequency bands that the base station has designated. The base stations, also known as nodes, are linked to routers for Internet access and switching centres in the telephone network by high-bandwidth optical fibre or wireless backhaul connections. A mobile device travelling from one cell to another is easily handed off, just like in other cellular networks. Per square kilometre, 5G is anticipated to accommodate up to a million devices.

Any system utilising 5G NR qualifies as "5G" according to the industry collaboration setting 5G standards, the 3GPP.


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